But I am not ready to do that just yet. I still have a week to get straight what is going on in my head. Last night my friend Kim took me on a birthday surprise. She took me to Steve and Barry's and bought me a couple of things. We then went to Turquoise for dinner where she gave me a C.S. Lewis book. Finally we went to have dessert at her favorite frozen custard place where her brother and sister-in-law met up with us. It was a lot of fun and I didn't expect it.
My birthday is not a big deal to me. It was never a big deal with my friends because my birthday falls right after Thanksgiving. Most people are either with their families or out of town (visiting family) during my birthday. This being the case, growing up my birthday was always about family. A lot of times it was celebrated at our Thanksgiving dinner and then I would have a small party with my immediate family on my birthday. So it isn't sad for me that I haven't had a lot of celebration up to this point for my birthday. I had a party last year (courtesy of Amy Dawson) which was the first birthday party anyone had thrown me as an adult. This year I am not sure how it is going to go. I know that something is going to happen at work but I don't know exactly what that something is. As far as on my actual birthday I have no expectations.
For me it really isn't about me. I am not one to make a list of things I need or even things I want. I am more interested in finding out what you want and trying to find a way to give it to you. My favorite part of Christmas is watching other people open things. I am going to be home for Christmas this year (home is WA). I get to see my nephews open their presents and I get to be around family that I only see a couple times a year. I am excited! My family is great on both the Johnson and the Cameron side. I will be back in WA for two weeks so I will be able to make time to see both sides this time. It should be a great trip.
This wasn't a deep blog and I didn't impart any wisdom to anyone. Just remember this year that it isn't all about you, try to do something for someone that they will remember forever.
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