I am going to try to make this post pretty short. I had a long post about all the different things that have happened to me since Friday when I got off work. I have had an interesting few days. Some of it actually is worth talking about so this morning during my break I started writing. There was going to be a play-by-play breakdown of what I went through and how it made me feel.
Well instead of going to lunch today I went to Starbucks with my friend Teri . We sat there and talked about a wide range of subjects and I left feeling better than I did when I arrived (last night I got home from work at 5:30am and slept for only 2 hours before getting up again to come to work). Now it is the afternoon break and I was going to finish the post I had started this morning. When I sat down to write I started thinking about all the things that had happened to me. I came to the conclusion that I only had one thing that happened in my life in the past few days that really mattered...and it was simply a story that Teri told me!
Sunday morning during a food and fellowship time at Synergy School of the Bible (Sunday School) Teri told me a story/testimony. It started out like most stories, I got some background on what she was doing and what time the event happened. Basically she stepped out of her comfort zone and during a bbq led her friend in the sinners prayer. There is now one more person who professes Jesus Christ as Lord of their life because Teri stepped out when it wasn't comfortable!
Now keep in mind that this didn't happen overnight. I Teri live a life that was a witness to her friend. She was there for her and helped her when she needed help. Many people say they will be there for you, but when you make a mistake...where are they? Teri was right there next to her to hold her up when she couldn't stand on her own. Her previous actions gave her the right to speak into her friends life. If Teri had condemned her for doing things that someone who doesn't know Christ would do then she would not have had the opportunity to be there when she was ready to give her life to Jesus!
Sinners sin...that is what they do! They have no reason to do anything else and as a Christian it isn't your job to come up to them and tell them all that they are doing wrong. Teri showed God's love through her actions and her lifestyle. Teri was the one who got the call when she was in trouble and needed somewhere to sleep. If you will walk in love and build relationships with the people around you than you are doing your part. The reason that we don't go straight to heaven the moment we get saved is not so that we can go out and get the "wealth of the wicked" that has been stored up for us (the righteous)! It isn't so that we can get lots of stuff or live easy lives basking in the blessings of God. The reason we are here still isn't even so we can go to church and have a wonderful Holy Ghost time praising God and thanking Him for His goodness.
The reason we are still on this planet after we confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is: TO GO GET PEOPLE SAVED!
That is our mission, that is our mandate, that is our calling! Every Christian has this calling, no matter if you feel you are supposed to be in the "ministry" or not! That is the only answer, anything else that you do is just icing on the cake. I know that God wants to bless us and we have things available to us because of our covenant with God...but we are supposed to be blessed to be a blessing.
The goal of this post was to give you something to think about. I have heard time and time again that "preparation time is never wasted time". Just because you don't feel like you are doing what you are ultimately going to do, take the opportunities that come your way to touch your world. We all have goals, or at least we should. God gave us different abilities and different talents. That means one thing to me, you can reach people I can't reach. You will come into contact with people that I may never see. I will talk to people that you will never talk to simply because of the dreams that God gave me. Simply use the chances that you have to show God's love to someone today. We have opportunities every day, how many times to we walk by our chance to speak into someones life because we were focused on the our own life? Just think about it...that is all I ask.
1 comment:
I'm definitely thinking....
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