Well kind of two weeks in review...I am not really going to go through everything that has happened in the past two weeks because a lot of what has happened hasn't really been dealt with yet. I have had some of the highest highs and the lowest lows in the past two weeks. That is not normal for me. I am a pretty even kind of a guy. I am very animated but very few things upset me and I almost never get mad...and I am not one to get really excited about a lot of things either. I hold my emotions in check for the most part. I enjoy life and I think that for the most part this comes through in how I react to things.
The problem with the last two weeks is that I have had things that I didn't see coming happen to me. Multiple times I have stopped and looked back and asked, "Did that really just happen?" The answer time and again was yes, it did just happen. It has not taken me more than a couple of hours to get myself back under control and to this point I have not done or said anything rash that would hurt anyone. I have done my very best to react the way that I want to react to situations. I try to think the best of those involved and consider their feelings and what is going to be best for them in the long run. That keeps me from saying or doing things that would be hurtful just because I had something happen to me that I didn't expect and didn't really enjoy.
As far as the highs...I have had my share of those as well. I have become closer to some people, I have had a couple people open up to me and share part of their life with me. That is always something that I enjoy. I want to be someone who you can come to when you need anything and I have been able to be there for a few people recently. I did have one amazing friend who needed me and I wasn't there. I apologized for not being there but as of right now my apologizing didn't make me feel any better about not being able to be there for this person.
I guess what I am wrestling with right now is not the past two weeks but the next two that are coming up. I have some things that are technically unresolved. Things that I have said I will deal with "sometime". The problem is that if I don't deal with them before I go back to WA for two weeks, will they ever come up again? If the answer to that is no...then is it worth talking about them at all? I was given some advice a long time ago. I was told that when you get upset, go to a window and look outside. Ask yourself the question, "In 20 years is this going to matter?" If the answer to that is "no" then you need to let it go. If the answer to that is "yes" then you need to deal with it. The problem I am having is that right now I don't know the answer to that question.
I think that "Love" would not bring it up right now, and that is why it is still unresolved. I guess I will have to wait and see how this week goes. I will not go out of my way to bring it up. If it is still worth talking about when I get back from vacation then I will look at what needs to be done.
On a side note; I have some amazing friends and family. I am truly blessed beyond measure and I am more thankful than I may show sometimes. Thank you all.
I'm curious to read your year-end blog :) and hopefully you're back in town before Jan. 6th....
I am not in town before Jan. 6th....I fly back into town the evening of the 6th.
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