I am WIDE awake! It is around 5:30am and I just got home from work. In theory I am supposed to get 2 hours of sleep before I go back to work, the problem is that I am not even a little bit tired right now.
Tonight at work I figured out why my mind is always in over-drive when I get home. I have at least 2 hours each night at work where I am in a room alone. No one talking to me, no emails coming in and no text messages. Before I started working at night I would have been lucky to get 2 straight hours of time to myself in an entire week, let alone 3 nights in a row EVERY week!
It gives me time to reflect, time to ponder and time to take a step back and look at things in a "big picture" sort of way. What I have found so far is that I need to set some time to do this aside whenever I am done working this job. It is important to take the time to process all the things going on in your life. Too many times we all get caught up in the here and now. We live our life going from one event/crisis to another and never stop to look at what direction we are truly going.
Another thing this time to myself has shown me is that when given the time to think about it, most situations that seemed to be huge...really aren't that big of a deal. They only seemed like a big deal because at that moment the situation was right in my face. Perspective is a nice thing to have and sometimes it is the first thing we lose.
This being said, I am going to try to set aside a little more time where I can be alone with my thoughts. I am considering turning off my phone for an hour or two a night (the nights when I only work 1 job) and going into my room to be alone. I would like to see what this will do for my perspective and outlook on life. I guess only time will tell.
I should try to get a little sleep. Do me a favor and smile at someone when you don't feel like it. See if they smile back, a lot of people are looking for an excuse to be happy. Be their excuse.
If during your quite time you hear any unfamiliar voices, don't listen to them. Sorry, I know you probably wanted something deep, but you'd need deep friends for that. At this moment, I think most are shallow. You could try Keith though.
Good thoughts. What you say about getting time to yourself to reflect is something I needed reminding to do. Thanks!
Dwight, I have never expected you to be deep...trust me on that.
So true! Especially the perspective part. I'm such a "deal with things right now" person that I lose perspective easily. Thanks for the reminder.
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