Sunday, January 24, 2010

All you need is love...

I posted a facebook status that said, "Just saw a blackberry commercial with the song All You Need is Love. Do you agree? Discuss..."

I didn't put any limitations on how this was interpreted or in what context I was talking about love. I got a very interesting mix of comments back. Some people said yes all you need is love and there were various reasons why it was all you need. One person got very literal and said you need food, shelter....other basic things besides love. Then that same person said that one persons actions based on love may seem cruel and inhumane to someone else.

It was a lot to think about and it is funny that no one asked for any clarification. They all just went with what they thought I was asking.

From my point of view I was really looking for what people thought in regards to two different uses of the phrase all you need is love. First in the relationship sense and second in the perspective that in life (and all the decisions that go into life) all you need is love. Agree or disagree on either one of those.

When it comes to a relationship I think that all you need is love does not cover enough. You must add at at least 4 words to this sentance to make it true. "All you need is love"...for the other person! What do I mean by that? If I say all I need is love then of course I mean love for the other person in my relationship...right?

Here is the problem that I see. People say they love someone else...when really they don't. They love the way someone else makes them feel. They love the things someone else does for them. Sometimes they even love the "idea" of being with that other person. In all of these cases they are really saying, "I love me." They are in love with what you do for them and when you stop doing whatever that is...then the love is gone. It magically disappeared! They will give all sorts of reasons why the love they felt is gone, but in reality it was never truly love for the other person at all.

If you truly have love for another person then making them happy is what is most important. Laying down your desires for their good is what you will do and you will do it gladly. This is the kind of love that makes the statement "all you need is love" actually work. The problem is that not very many times in life do we see this kind of love in action. Emotions change, situations change, people change...those are facts. You can love someone no matter what they do or say. You can love someone that doesn't love you back. That choice is up to you.

When it comes to the bigger picture of in life all you need is love...I believe the same equation appplies. If I live my life for the people around me instead of for myself then I will have a positive impact on their lives. I will improve the quality of the lives I come in contact with and when I do that I will improve the quality of my life.

Most people are selfish most of the time. It is amazing to me how when you do the smallest thing for someone they are shocked! You pay for a candy bar for the person in line behind you at the gas station and they don't know how to react! Most people make almost all of their decisions based on what is in their best interest. I will not say that all of my decisions are based on what others need. I will say that I am doing my very best to get there. I choose every day to make decisions that will help someone else because I love them. My love for people in general has led me to where I am today...and I am happy with where I am today.

Pastor Perry said in church today that you never tell the truth at funerals. Everyone was a wonderful person...when they are the one that died. He was kind of joking...but it is also pretty close to true. One thing that jumped out to me when my Grandma Ardis died was that what was said about her was exactly what I had seen in her life. I swear I never heard her say one bad thing about anyone in my whole life. She would do anything for anyone who asked if she was able. She lived a life of love...and they had to have her memorial service at the community center because there wasn't a church big enough in our little town. That is a legacy I would like to leave behind. I want people to know that I care. I want people to feel loved when they are around me. I don't care if I am rich, I don't care if I am famous...I just want to show true love through my life every day until my time is up.

I know I don't always live up to what I want, but I am trying. If I didn't show you the love I should have I am sorry. I will do my very best to do better next time.

This post is long I am going to stop. Just remember that you can save a life with a kind word. What you do and what you say matter. Change someones life today.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Unknown said...

Thanks for that Michael. :) One important thing to note in my opinion is that Love is a choice. You have to CHOOSE to put others before yourself. It's not a popular opinion, but we by nature like you say are selfish and will "love" others while it benifits us and as soon as we aren't getting what we feel we deserve we (people in general) will bail.
I too stive to love like God. Putting the needs of others before myself. Being a parent really brought that to the forfront of life for me...but it's still a choice and yes, I sometimes fail. So I would say the song should be "All you need is to Choose to Love" but, after all thats just not as catchy :)
Be Blessed you are reaching the world as God has called you and it's a blessing to others, you and all the Glory is to God.

Unknown said...

I agree with your words according to it's parrel in the Word of God and will meditate and act on the choosing of love rather than choosing my own fleash. Amen

Amy K. said...

I see it a little different. God is love, so love IS all you need. If you've got God then there really is nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be... it's easy :)

I'm sure we could delve into semantics, but I like my interpretation best.

Michael Johnson said...

Erin - If you read some of my other posts about love you will see that I agree with you. Love is a choice that you make, it doesn't just happen.

Colt - I would never want you to agree with my words unless they paralleled the Word.

Amy - It is semantics.