Monday, June 15, 2009

I've been in Arkansas for almost a month...

Actually last month today was my last day at my old job.  It was a bittersweet day. I really enjoyed my old job at KHM and I had a lot of good friends (and my Dad) that I was leaving behind when I moved to Arkansas. 

One thing that wasn't bittersweet was that I was going to be a full time minister. For the first time in my life I don't have to have another job in order to be on staff at a church. This has been a goal of mine since I was young...well younger...depending on how you look at my age now.  :)  

I started telling people I wanted to be a minister when I was 4 or 5 years old. At that time no one in my family was in the ministry or even talking about it. It was something that was not expected and as I grew up it wasn't something that a lot of people understood. I am a regular guy and that makes people think that I shouldn't or couldn't be serious about being a minister. I have had more than one friend say that they couldn't see me as a minister and recently I had someone tell me that they couldn't see me as a pastor because I wasn't like any pastor that they ever knew.

So far all of the people who felt that this couldn't be my calling in life haven't had any real experience with any actual pastors. They may have gone to church a few times but none of them were very close to their "pastors".

I am not sure what exactly people expect me to act like in order to be a pastor.  I am real with people and I try to walk in love. I don't know what else I need to do. I have had times in my life when I did things that I don't think are right and if you had asked me while I was doing those things I would have told you they weren't right. I'm human, I have made mistakes, I still make mistakes and bad decisions...but I am doing my best not to keep making mistakes or bad decisions.

No one is perfect and I know I am far from it. All I can do is do my very best to build relationships with the people I come in contact with and show God's love through my life every time I get that chance. I may not do all the things that you think a pastor should do but I am always going to do my very best to live a life that is worthy of the high honor that has been given to me. I have the opportunity to speak into peoples lives, to come visit them when they are hurting, to lead by example, to challenge them to grow when they feel like they are "good enough", to mend the broken and restore them to where they once were, to assist people in becoming who they want to be. I have not taken this calling lightly in the past and I don't take it lightly now.  

Some of you who will read this know me, some of you used to know me and some of you don't know me at all.  No matter what category you fall into remember this one thing: if there is ever anything that I can do for you I will do it.  Know that I am here for you in any way that I can be.

I know this isn't my typical post but I am in a time of transition and I wanted to let you know where I was and what I was thinking.


Amber said...

Michael, I think you will make a great pastor because you are human, and not afraid to admit that. Too often pastors and other heads of churches try to pull off the "saint" facade, and it creates an unreal relationship with God and those around them. I pray for you often, and I want you to be the biggest success in all you do. And I say, "thank you" for being real.

Amy K. said...

You're wonderful.

candilu said...

i dont know you as well as others, but this is very touching to me because i think that pastors are of so much influence in the body. i dont want to say the most influential, but the constant contact that they have with the people is sooo important. i revere this position unlike others. pastors, though only human, carry such a weight of responsibility. i didnt write the book, im jst very opinionated lol. i so respect the fact that you have proven yourself to be so giving and faithful. these qualities outweigh faults. i think the best pastors are ones that are visible and humble and reaching. the best pastors put 99 on hold to make sure that 1 is secure. the best pastors are ones that know that they aren't "better" because of their position, but that understand God's grace upon their lives to go beyond, and lead. you are so there! God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I know you are sincere in all that you said.

My father in law is a pastor (actually right now he's teaching as well, but used to pastor full time) and what makes him such a good one is not that he is so perfectly eloquent, makes a good speech, or that his life is so free of blemish. It is because he is personable, approachable, and loving. Pride has got to be the greatest downfall of pastors. It takes a humble man to admit mistakes and allow others to see them and his journey upward again through faith. Don't listen to anyone who makes you question what you're doing, only listen to God and what He wants you to do.