Monday, April 6, 2009

It's starting to get close to that time...

Up until this morning I had been plan out a strategy for packing my stuff up before my move. I decided that today is the day I start packing. I am going to try to set aside some time to pack every day. I am buying plastic tubs to put my clothes in and at this point that is really all I am taking with me. It is all starting to hit me at once...I really am moving to Arkansas very soon.

The reality of my move is finally starting to sink in. I am leaving a lot of things here in Tulsa. I have lived here for 6 of the last 7 years. I have made some good friends and my Dad lives here as well. I am really excited about the opportunities that are waiting for me in Bryant and I believe that it is the next step on the road of life for me. It just isn't always easy to let go of where you are when you don't really know exactly what the future holds.

In February of 2002 I made the move to Tulsa to stay with my brother while he finished up his 3rd year at Rhema. We were going to move back to WA in June and continue on with our lives. Clearly I was not the one running the show, even though I thought at that time that I was. My friend Rachel told me that I was never coming back to WA. I told her I would be back in June and she laughed and said I wouldn't be coming back. I didn't understand and I told her she was crazy, that was 7 years ago. I still haven't moved back and with this move it is looking more like she was right every day. I can't say I will be in Arkansas forever but I know I will be there for a decent amount of time and if it is where I stay then that is fine with me. I am through trying to get God to line up with my plans. :) This job is something that I know I will enjoy and I have a good friend already working there. He has been there for 3 years and we work well together.

All of that being said, it is not the job that I am uneasy about at all. I just am feeling the finality of this move. I am leaving people here who I will only talk to on facebook from this point forward. People and relationships are very important. How we affect the people around us is the way we leave our mark when we are gone. I may be a lot of things but sentimental is not one of them. The house I am living in, my office, this big desk in my small office...none of that stuff is going to matter to me. I will miss the people that are still here.

When I am gone I want people to look back on their time with me or there time when I was around and see God's love in action. That is my goal and that is what I try to do every day. We don't know what a kind word or one simple act can do for someone else. You don't know what the world is throwing at those around you. Even when people don't look like they need help it never hurts to do something above and beyond the "norm". It takes very little effort to rise above average when it comes to kindness. Try and rise to the level that you would like to see people rise to in your life.


Unknown said...

i really like the message of a simple comment can make a difference! From someone who has hit bottom and risen up again, this comment really hits! I make it a point each day to do a "random act of kindness" and say something positive to someone. It really is a good thing. good luck in your new venture.

Michael Johnson said...

Thanks Troy, more people should make a point to do something nice. John Wesley said, "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can." That seems like a worthy goal.

Amy K. said...

I know I tease you a lot about Arkansas, but I'm just teasing. I think it's awesome you're following God instead of fighting him.
And if anyone can make Arkansas liveable, it's Him ;)

Michael Johnson said...

Thanks Amy. It may not be perfect weather like SB...but I am going to have a good time. :)

Amy K. said...

I don't think it's possible for you to be somewhere and not have fun.

The Challs said...

Why will you only talk to the people in Oklahoma on Facebook? Do you never plan on visiting again, or letting them visit you? Something seems off about that comment.

And don't worry, you'll end up back in Washington eventually. ;)