Monday, May 31, 2010

A quote made me think...

Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none. - William Shakespeare

Is this a true picture of what we have been asked to do? Is "love all, trust a few..." truly the God kind of love?

I was discussing this subject just the other day. Well...not exactly this conversation but it was a conversation about both live and forgiveness.

The question was asked about people who have hurt you in the past, "How close do you let them get again? Do you open yourself up to get hurt again?" It is not something I have a clear answer on and I left that conversation with the agreement that it is a case by case situation.

We agreed that you have to forgive them, which means you can not hold what they did against them. You have to look at them as if they had never done anything wrong and never bring what they did in the past back up against them.

The tough part (as if that was "easy") was how close do you let them get again. If they pursue a relationship with you, do you allow it to happen even though they hurt you before? This is where we said you would have to look at the situation and see. Can you truly love and forgive someone from a distance...even if they want to get closer?

That is what is going through my head tonight. I need to go to sleep. I will come back to this subject at another time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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