Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It is time to write...

I was trying to go to bed early. That normally doesn't work out very well for me and once again tonight I failed. I am laying here it is time to write.

What do you think of when you think of being successful? What is success to you? I think that a lot of people have a lot of different ideas about what true success really means.

I know that people have hinted to me that my success is based on how many people I get to show up to my singles events. They ask how many came to whatever my last event or service was and when I tell them they are normally very supportive. They tell me how good it is and that it is growing...but that is really not the point of what I do.

Of course I want as many people to come to the events and services as possible...but not because I care about impressing anyone with the attendance. It is about relationships with the people that are there and it is really about pointing them back to a closer relationship with Jesus! I want to help as many people as I possibly can build a relationship with Jesus. That is success to me.

Not everyone is a preacher. Not everyone is a "minister" in the sense of earning a paycheck from preaching. I know that...but aren't we all called to love? Aren't we all called to be Christ's body on the earth? Are you doing your part? Is doing your part to spread the gospel part of your definition of success?

Maybe you are. Maybe you are really doing all you have been called by God to do...but if you aren't, you have just been reminded. That's all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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