Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Trying to get back into the swing of things...

I was out of "the office" for two full weeks. I had youth camp, then I went to Denver the next day to help train the man who replaced me from my last job and then a quick stop in Washington for my cousins wedding. After all that I am back here in my office and apparently it was a pretty eventful time. I missed a lot of things that happened both in and out of the office that were interesting.

Now my goal is to get back into the mode I was in before I left! I need to plan events and come up with creative ways to help FCB grow and minister to as many people as possible. I haven't been sleeping very well and that isn't helping because when I am tired I am not able to organize my thoughts the way I normally would.

It is all ok, there are good things in store. I just have to make sure that I stay focused on the things that matter and let the other things go.

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